
Not only is Tom Falcone a great voiceover artist, he’s a great actor; he just gets it and it comes through in all of his recordings. Working with Tom also has an added benefit because, even though it’s an art, Tom knows it’s a business and he works efficiently and intelligently, even after long hours.

Patrick Sasso

Uncommon Sound NYC

Tom Falcone is an outstanding voice actor and an asset to any production. In addition to a strong clear voice, Tom understands the nuances of the microphone and creates a multilayered performance that has thrilled fans of The Leviathan Chronicles for years. He is a pleasure to work with and I feel sincerely lucky to have him as part of my cast.

Christof Laputka

The Leviathan Chronicles

Tom Falcone was a valued member of our elite voiceover management team. He is multi-talented with special gifts in voicevers and improvisation. And, he’s one of the “good guys”. We recommend him without reservation.

Dan Duckworth

Voiceovers Unlimited

Fortune 500 Companies such as Bosch or Philip Morris USA request the best VOA available. I always feel confident working with Tom. He’s definitely our first line of defense. It’s so rare to find somebody who brings together talent, professionalism, availability and fun too!

David Horvilleur

Loop Seven, CEO
